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Member since: Aug 2023Deals bought: 192
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1 stars
Posted: Oct 8, 2024


Purchased this with high hopes as this platformed seemed to check a lot of blocks, and having been burned by another similar app that was here on Appsumo, and with another one not as polished as I had hope, that said I opted to start with tier 3 with MrZeroCode. With only 3, yes 3 templates and with the ai generated sites not rendering one site, like none, zero and to just keep wasting time for it to only say can not generate, delete and start over I think it's time for me to continue looking for the right solution, but this one sadly isn't it!

Founder Team


Oct 8, 2024

Thank you so much for your honest feedback. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you experienced while trying to create your website.

After reviewing the issue, we discovered that the issue you faced with the AI-generated sites was due to your AI credits being exhausted. This is what caused the sites not to render properly. We completely understand how frustrating it must have been to keep trying with no success, and we take full responsibility for not making this clearer upfront.

The good news is, we’ve added additional AI credits now, and everything is back in place for you to create your website using our AI functionality. We would love for you to give it another try!

Our team is here to assist you directly should you need any help along the way. We are also available through a dedicated chat support - for you to resolve any issues that you might have. You can also reach out to us at, and we can also personally guide you through the process to ensure you’re able to create your website as expected.

We hope you’ll give us another chance, and if you’re satisfied with the improved experience, we’d really appreciate an updated review reflecting this.

We value your feedback and your trust, and we look forward to making things right.
