Q: f/up on US Biotech data

Guessing you missed my f/up question from the ongoing thread, would appreciate your reply as I am still considering purchase:
"Hi Vlad, appreciate the helpful reply. Some clarity please: are these 2k example leads individual people, or companies? What contact details would be included in this example output? How old are these particular (US Biotech) lead data?"
Original Question Thread: https://appsumo.com/products/muraena/questions/us-biotech-data-1204955/

SP1R0.GPLUSSep 27, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 29, 2024

A: Hi, those 2k leads are individual people. As for the data fields, we include everything related to the person and company, i.e full name, LinkedIn URL, company website, work email/personal email, etc. To see full list of fields, you need to export the results to CSV file. We refresh our data on a monthly basis by batches, so all the data should be fresh enough for your use-case.

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