My Brand New Logo

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Member since: Jul 2016Deals bought: 21
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: May 23, 2021

I'm mostly really happy with this

I do love this product and it is working for me.

The pros:

* you create free logos before committing to spending your credits
* can tweak your design for a few days after spending your credit
* lots of different designs
* logos can be used as is

The cons:

* Annoying svg format
* Will be expensive after credits run out
* Variations sometime product weird results. Like a circle with a solid colour rather than the image.

My biggest issue with this product and the lack of 5 tacos, is the SVG that gets exported.
Normally, when you get an SVG file, you can edit it. The SVG that gets exported from MBNL is done using a mask with a colour and paths that only that portion of the mask.
I would expect the paths to have the colours directly on them.

What you end up with is the inability to meaningfully edit the files, or worse an import that show lots of rectangles where the logo should be.

You can work around this by editing the SVG in a text editor, but it makes me feel that this was a deliberate design decision to make people more likely to use credits rather than tweaking the logo in another programme.

In summary, I do like the product and have managed to make a logo that I eventually managed to import into FCP.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thanks for your review. The SVG use masks not because of restricting editing in other programs. For example, opening the SVG logo in Adobe Illustrator works just fine. I wish more vector editing programs would support SVG masks like Illustrator, SVG masks have been in the official spec for 10 years! :) The reason we use masks is that, in addition to regular color fills, we can use the same rendering pipeline that also allow patterns and other effects. Some people really like that 🌈
