My Brand New Logo

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Member since: Apr 2020Deals bought: 486
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Jun 30, 2021

Very Good Logo Builder

I had a lot of fun just randomly generating a logo over and over again that I forgot to settle on to one scheme! This is a quick and easy tool to make a quick logo for your MVP and provides a few pre-set sizes that you can use to get started on outfitting your site and social profiles.

What I wished was to have more control over gradient and effects, such as their color, but more specifically it would be great to have more dimensions and sizes as well as having different sub layouts generated as well. For example if I am using a subtitle and icon, I'd like the package to also have just the main text just like how it currently can give you just the icon part. Also it would be great to have the logo zoomed in more in comparison to its background.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thanks for your feedback! ✨
