My Brand New Logo

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Member since: Jan 2013Deals bought: 545
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jun 27, 2021

Was Skeptical, But Tried It . . . and . . .

It gets 5 tacos. I am really, very pleasantly, surprised.

As an agency, using a "logo generator" isn't usually for us - we have a team of creatives that work on logo design. But many times in the web development side we run into clients with no logo at all (or worse, a terrible logo), but they have no desire to pay for a logo development process. Yet they need something more than just their typeset name at the top of the web page.

Enter 'My Brand New Logo'. We can offer a logo design as a free or very low-priced value-add, do it very quickly, and feel really good about the results with this tool. I honestly can't believe how many good ideas you get for each one, and for people who aren't trained graphic designers, it's SO much better than going to a stock vector site and trying to cobble one together on your own.

I bought the deal, activated it, and produced a very satisfactory logo in less than 20 minutes - which included modifications.

Honestly, if you are a small company and can't afford a professional logo development effort, this tool will give you a logo you can feel good about.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Glad you like it :) Great review and a great way to use My Brand New Logo! 💫
