Q: I'm potentially interested in getting a lot of licenses for some of my agents.
Is there a way to have:
A) a big discount on bulk licenses
B) use of custom domain for all of the licenses (example: https://newsite.com/(individual's username)) instead of the MyLnker domain?
C) Do you have a corporate or agency-style option for someone like me to be able to invite new users under my account?
Thanks in advance
Jul 19, 2024A: Hi Appsumo_Addict,
Thank you for your interest in our licenses for your agents!
A) How many licenses are you interested in getting?
B) Custom domains are in our product roadmap, and we are excited about having this feature available in the future.
C) We do have corporate and revenue share options for agencies.
Reply to this message for more information or contact us at hello@mylnker.com.