Q: I have a few questions about Nectios.

1. Is it possible to embed videos, rather than uploading them directly into Nectios? Since storage is limited, I'd prefer to upload any videos recorded from the collaborations done in Nectios somewhere else, and then just embed those videos into Nectios. This would be a useful option, since I'd rather save up my storage for the community to use, and avoid uploading large files (such as videos) directly into Nectios. As long as embedded videos are displayed correctly on Nectios, sharing video content on the community page would be pretty easy and efficient.

2. Are you planning to provide some English instructions on how to use Nectios? Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish, even though I wish I did. So, it would help if there were at least some tutorials in English.

Thank you

Opal13241Apr 22, 2023
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