Notetracks Pro

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Member since: Nov 2019Deals bought: 139
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jun 19, 2023

Very nice tool for studio professionals

I bought two codes and tried it out. I loved the UI on the uploader, creator side. Uploading files, making comments tied to specific tracks, it all was working well for me on the front end. However, I ran into a hiccup when I shared them with clients and took issue with how it was shared. But then Kam reached out to me and offered me a 30-45 minute one-on-one consultation and I was really impressed.

Come to find out, there are two ways to share and they do not yield the same results. If you click on share project and put in their email the link will take the receiver to a page that doesn't mention the project I'm sharing but asks them to register for a 7-day trial instead. That freaked out my clients and I probably won't ever share this way. Kam explained that the benefit of them having an account is that their comments will always be tied to their name and they can get email notifications when the project gets updated... OK so maybe I'll use that in certain situations when I have a good relationship with a client and we are collaborating on something long-term or anticipate a lot of back-and-forth.

The second way is to give them the share link and alter the permissions to whatever you want (Comment only, view only, edit, etc.) and just emailing them the project link yourself. If you do it that way the link takes the receiver directly to the project and allows them to bypass the registration page. This is ideal for clients that just want to hear and download a track and maybe leave a comment or two but there isn't much back-and-forth anticipated.

Kam seemed very interested to hear how I plan to use Notetracks in my ProTools-centric workflow and showed me a little bit about how they are researching how they can better integrate ProTools markers and ptx sessions. That got me really excited.

I am really impressed with what this small company has been able to do already and the speed of the tool and ease of use. The sharing project issue was clarified to me and I am quite satisfied that there is a way to share this and impress my clients rather than turn them off. I have since purchased more codes as I am pretty sure this can work as one of my go-to ways of sharing mixes with clients and not just using services like WeTransfer.

All in all - despite my initial sharing issue - the fast response to my questions and seeing them actively working to improve the product, and the fact that I truly have no reservations about using this product right now - after trying it out for a week I am convinced it is ready to integrate as a tool in my deliverable process with actual clients right now... I think they deserve 5-tacos from me. I do love the product and am having a great experience so far. Good luck, Kam - keep developing the product and best of luck!
