Q: I heard google going to change the way it rank for SEO. But in the future will this tool still helps in ranking?

118033332801958841052PLUSAug 29, 2024
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Aug 29, 2024

A: Hello, Yes, it will remain absolutely relevant and important for the following reasons:
1)NytroSEO’s meta tag optimization aims to deliver better, more keyword-optimized tags to search engines. These meta tags help search engines better understand page content and its relevancy to search queries (keywords). This will remain true regardless of how the results are displayed to users; they will still rely on the information that is crawled and indexed as before, even when using AI or AI-based summary responses.
2) Google’s latest release in August 2024 shows an even greater reliance on structured data, such as OG titles. See the attached article on this topic. https://nytroseo.com/understanding-googles-latest-algorithm-og-title-update-how-it-impacts-your-google-search-rankings/
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Posted: Sep 1, 2024

This is great to see...it wouldn't make sense for OpenGraph to not continue to escalate in significance, as it's not likely social media is about to vanish...I would expect AI-assisted search such as Deep Search will take OG tags and social signals heavily into account when generating tailored results too!

Posted: Sep 1, 2024

Yes, it looks like it!