Q: Question about mentions limit

How does mentions limit work? I.e. for tier one with 1000 mentions limit, over what period is this? And what happens when the limit is hit? And does the mentions include any mentions of any of the 3 keywords? Thanks in advance

john439PLUSOct 12, 2024
Founder Team


Oct 15, 2024

A: Hi John, the mention limits are monthly. So the 1,000 for tier 1 would reset every month. When the limit is hit then you will stop receiving mentions for the month (you will receive an alert when you are at 80% and then 100%). You can top up mentions if you want.

Mentions include any of the 3 words, correct.

Hope that helps!

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Posted: Oct 15, 2024

thank you, probably worth adding '1,000 monthly mentions' to the description for the tiers if you can