OnzAuth - Add Fingerprint and FaceID Login in Minutes

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Q: Is the product still being developed further?

I can't really see any progress in the roadmap. Could you provide us with a changelog? Thanks.

dennis.waynePLUSJul 31, 2024
Founder Team


Aug 2, 2024

A: Thanks for your question, we are still in process of upgrading the backend infrastructure, and migration for better performance and multi region support. It has been delayed for a bit, but once that is done, we will be rolling out a few more features already ready to deploy. Should be done very shortly, with updates to roadmaps and change logs too. You can verify with our api version https://idp-api.onzauth.com/system atm to see if changes were made.

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Posted: Aug 4, 2024

Thanks for your response.