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Q: Having AI create an instruction or step-by-step guide is very cool!

But unfortunately it's just(!) text. Can't it also automatically add the corresponding links and screenshots with markers?

Of course, that would be the top burner if it could document a click path completely automatically without me having to click through the whole thing myself! :)

AI text in German also works quite well. But the umlauts (ä,ö,ü) are unfortunately not displayed or are displayed with a question mark icon.

Mister-TPLUSApr 12, 2024
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: I pity the fool who doesn't listen to their customers, so thank you for your suggestions, Mr-T! Hopefully we can announce a fix for the Umlaut situation soon. Would you perhaps be able to share one of your AI-generated instructions via link to info@opus.guide?

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