Q: Hi, I have a question regarding the messages.

I bought TIER 4. It says that 8000 messages are given. Are the 8000 messages the start of conversations?
Or are they questions and answers in a conversation? Because in the same conversation there can be 100 or 200 questions and answers 'Messages' So the 8,000 messages can easily be exhausted in a single week.

And the other question is the 8000 messages are in each individual Bot that is created. Correct?

Because otherwise it doesn't make sense for us to have unlimited Bots.

Because if we create 100 Bots, it could only speak 80 messages per month in each Bot. Correct?

Because if that's the case, I'll make the return today and ask for my money back.

Although 8000 messages a month still seem very little to me.

And regarding the TIER 4. Don't we have the Whitelabel Lifetime?
Paying the first year 1 Dollar a month can still be done. But I think that from the second year onwards it is 199 Dollars a year. Correct?
It also seems like a lot of money to me for a Lifetime offer and even more so if the services are not increased but only the price.

Because we just bought an offer for a BOT almost equal to 95% Lifetime in a Bundle offer for 267 Dollars and includes an Agency in which we can also sell unlimited Bots and without message restrictions.
We already have 2 APPs in addition to yours that we have purchased in the last month. So they have a lot of competition in services and prices.

Well, I'm waiting for your response to know what decision to make.

Thank you!

Multimedia_TodayPLUSJan 22, 2024
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: If you have Tier 4 you can add your own open ai key to make your bots unlimited. This is the deal for Orimon. You can definitely buy some other deal where ever you are satisfied. :)

Please keep in mind that running business requires money, if someone is offering everything for free be cautious as they may grab money by offering unrealistic offers and later run away.

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Apr 17, 2024

Your response sidesteps the persistent issues that plague every tier, which have gone unaddressed for over a year now. It’s clear that the structural problems with loading delays and flawed Content-Security-Policies aren’t just oversights; they appear to be systemic, suggesting a stagnation in development rather than an active pursuit of improvement. Pointing Tier 4 users to just add their own OpenAI key doesn't excuse the lack of essential fixes and updates. It's unacceptable that the basic functionality promised at the point of sale is still not delivered. To propose additional payments for what was supposed to be included in the original purchase only adds insult to injury. Your comparison of your business needing money to run and others potentially running away with the cash is ironic, considering the current state of your offerings. The lack of substantive updates coupled with a push for more money feels more like a bait-and-switch than a legitimate business practice.