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Member since: Dec 2023Deals bought: 1
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Dec 21, 2023

Promising Features, but Disappointing Execution

I recently purchased the tier 1 code for Outboundly on AppSumo, attracted by its promising features for streamlining connection requests and messages. However, my experience with the app has left me quite disappointed.

The app claims to allow users to create customizable messages for connection requests and messages, which initially sounded great. However, when I actually tried to use these features, I encountered numerous issues. It seems that the app simply doesn't work as intended.

One of my main expectations when purchasing Outboundly was the hope that it could automate reachouts for me, such as sending connection requests and messages automatically. Unfortunately, it fails in this regard. The automation features are either nonexistent or so poorly executed that they are virtually useless.

To make matters worse, I found that there is a lack of adequate tutorials on the app's website and YouTube channel to help users understand how to operate the tool effectively. This makes the already frustrating experience even more challenging, as it leaves users struggling to figure out how to make the most of the app's features.

In conclusion, while Outboundly may have had the potential to be a useful tool for streamlining outreach and connection requests, it falls short in execution. It doesn't deliver on its promises, and the lack of comprehensive tutorials only adds to the frustration. I would advise potential buyers to proceed with caution and consider other options before investing in this app.
