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Posted: Sep 20, 2023

Not a Genuine Team

They have silently introduced "Campaign Pages" limits and it is for only 7 pages.

The had sole the deal witha promise of "Unlimited Active Campaigns" and now all of sudden they have introduced new definition of "Campaign Pages".

If this is the way they are looking forward to move ahead. Then they should refund their existing LTD customers.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hello Xanar,

Thank you for sharing your feedback. I'd like to clarify that while we initially offered the ability to create unlimited campaigns with a single page on the PRO plan, we have now enhanced our offering to include multi-page campaigns.

With this update, you can create unlimited campaigns, each consisting of up to 7 pages – one main homepage and six subpages, all included in the PRO plan. We believe that this improvement offers you more flexibility and allows you to create richer content within your campaigns.
