Q: Limits so low impossible to use

Your limits are so low and pricing so expensive this is impossible to use. 50 URL's for $700!!!!!!! May I ask you what are you doing on Appsumo and how do you explain these limits when everyone else does not impose any contraints

zeroleftPLUSSep 30, 2024
Founder Team


Edited Sep 30, 2024

A: Thank you for your feedback. Our offer is a one-time payment for lifetime access. This allows you to avoid ongoing costs and provides a more affordable option in the long run. While there are some limits, for many users, this lifetime deal offers significant savings.

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Posted: Sep 30, 2024

I mean I don't like it but after so many deals here not even surviving one year I surely appreciate the offer, this guy's is looking out for his business not like other owners here that wanna cash out offer unlimited and crash in 13 months

Posted: Sep 30, 2024

But I mean yeah the deal is not worth it I just saw the limits imposed for that I got unlimited everything in a self sustained company so idk

Posted: Sep 30, 2024

The deal does not make any sense, thay charge 16 per month for premium for unlimited so why are you going to spend $700 for 50 urls!!! It is amazing no one sees this