Q: Is this a Notion/notion agency kit ALTERNATIVE?

(2) In the future, might you allow us or enable us to connect our (AS) MailFox or Vbout or Acumbamail or Zagomail accounts as implied (if so, which ones are more likely)? (3) All users can access via iOS or Android, right? (4) This is not a sales approach but can we use it as a public standards enforcement agency establishing requirements and if so, how would or does the Ai feature help in this way? (5) What are some other Ai benenfits (that might come or are here) (6) I would like to share your brand and make your company more popular but other Sumolings are looking for whitelable or non-branding features. Please briefly share your thoughts or vision about that. (7) Is there a way on this platform to instantly publish PUBLIC NOTES either to a social media site throguh you or via a website or your own hosting source? And is this interactive like a social media site, so we can get feedback? And can I do this without Pabbly or zappier other monthly paid services (you can give one example or more). (9) is there a storage limitation and can we upload (or link to/from) photos so that diagrams and faces can be shared and what sizes or megabytes? (10) Who are your top two or three competitors if I may ask... I dont know if I am allowed to ask that but it helps us know more about you if we can ask that. TY

P2PLUSMar 20, 2024
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: (13) To confirm, it is acceptable and fine to remove a user (one of the 25) and replace them with a different worker from time to time, correct? There are no hang ups concerning that, right?

Yes, you can add,delete and replace users. As long as you have less than 25 users after the changes you are covered by AppSumo Tier 3 license

(14) this is in English but is it OK to be multilingual as well by what we write? but you dont support Right to Left writing architecture, but you do support Chineese/Japanese/Korean characters, right?

Correct, at the moment it's tested on English (left->right)

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Mar 20, 2024

(11) and is there "unlimted storage" on the top teir or top two tiers, and if it is not unlimited then how and when do you cap that?

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Mar 20, 2024

(12) This is almost perfect except that we need a notes-based interface for limitless "ideas" and public sharing of these touchpoints with others for the benefit of the client... so we need an automated way to publically share these notes which is not a viable option right now is it, but is there a way to automate the notes side or even a workspace of the notes section to be made public for the benefit of client and everyone who can read, or subscribes to that list? Can such a list be made, triggered, and delivered to those who might be insterested? Are there any webhooks or APIs that might make this possible in the future? Yes, it is a new thing and we want to pursue that somehow if there is any way to automate this process. Can this be set up by ourselves even today and if not then before 2025?

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Mar 20, 2024

(13) To confirm, it is acceptable and fine to remove a user (one of the 25) and replace them with a different worker from time to time, correct? There are no hang ups concerning that, right?

(14) this is in English but is it OK to be multilingual as well by what we write? but you dont support Right to Left writing architecture, but you do support Chineese/Japanese/Korean characters, right?

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Mar 20, 2024

(15) Just to confirm, in tier 3 you offer limited team members up to 25, but UNLIMITED clients and collaborates on relationships. is that correct?

Posted: Mar 21, 2024

Tier 2 is capped at 10,000 relationships/contacts. Tier 3 offers unlimited relationships/contacts

Posted: Mar 21, 2024

Thanks a lot for all your questions. Please see my answers below:

1. Is this a Notion/notion agency kit ALTERNATIVE?

Not at all. We are purely a relationship management tool or CRM if you wish. So we only help with taking notes about your relationships. Nothing else that Notion offers.

(2) In the future, might you allow us or enable us to connect our (AS) MailFox or Vbout or Acumbamail or Zagomail accounts as implied (if so, which ones are more likely)?

We don't have exact plans with on integrations with those specific tools. But we do connect with Zapier, which allows you to build such integrations.

(3) All users can access via iOS or Android, right?

Yes, we do have iOS app, but not Android, yet. But Android is coming soon.

(4) This is not a sales approach but can we use it as a public standards enforcement agency establishing requirements and if so, how would or does the Ai feature help in this way?

I am sorry, not sure I understood the question. But feel free to reach out to us at help@parma.ai and we can chat about your use case in more details.

(5) What are some other Ai benenfits (that might come or are here)

I would rather not speculate on what could be built in the future. But obviously a lot of exciting things are come from our team.

(6) I would like to share your brand and make your company more popular but other Sumolings are looking for whitelable or non-branding features. Please briefly share your thoughts or vision about that.

We do have options to build Parma add-ons and work with us as a reseller. Happy to chat about it with you in private. Just reach to us using our website chat.

(7) Is there a way on this platform to instantly publish PUBLIC NOTES either to a social media site throguh you or via a website or your own hosting source? And is this interactive like a social media site, so we can get feedback? And can I do this without Pabbly or zappier other monthly paid services (you can give one example or more).

Not at the moment. Parma is meant more for internal notes which are typically not for public sharing. But we do have an option to share a note with your colleagues through the link.

(9) is there a storage limitation and can we upload (or link to/from) photos so that diagrams and faces can be shared and what sizes or megabytes?

At the moment we do not limit the photo storage.

(10) Who are your top two or three competitors if I may ask...

Our real competitors today are pen and paper, Google Spreadsheet, and Notes app. I know those are not direct competitors, but these are the tools that people use to keep track of their business relationships today.