I have all my keys installed in Google Chrome, it would be possible to import them directly to...

I have all my keys installed in Google Chrome, it would be possible to import them directly to Passcamp, without having to do it 1 for 1, it is a very tedious job, is it possible?

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    Arvydas_PassCampFounder team
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    Hi Valentin,

    Thanks for your question!

    We have Import/Export feature in PassCamp that allows you to upload all your passwords in one go with the help of a CSV file. Here's a quick video guide how to do that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfPNXpJYt4I

    It's worth noting that currently only forms exported from LastPass can be imported directly to PassCamp.

    This means that you can import all of your passwords from Chrome to PassCamp in one go, but you will have to adapt all your exported passwords to the PassCamp CSV form. This means only copy-pasting some columns to make sure they are filled based on the PassCamp CSV form.

    Hope this answers your question! If you need any further help, don't hesitate and let us know :)

    Verified Purchaser
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    Thank you very much ,but only allows the export of maximum size of the 50-KB CSV file, it would be possible to expand it to double, that is 100 KB, otherwise it is very difficult for me to do the passwords that I have in Chrome, with only 50 KB

    Arvydas_PassCampFounder team
    | Member Since:

    We're working on this update, as a quick workaround you can split the list of passwords into two files and upload them separately. Sorry for the inconvenience, we're going to push an update with increased upload size as soon as we finish and test out the improved functionality :)