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Q: Few questions if you don't mind..

1 - only 1 user? Was going to buy your tier2, but only one user is very low for 10 000 docs, isn't it? Any chance to allow for more users when the team feature will be available (currently in the "coming soon" state in your pricing page)

2 - esignature. It seems that esignature is on the roadmap. Could you please confirm?

3 - will the 2 features above available for tier2 when available ?

4 - I currently use Documentero, great product too but I'd prefer yours (I'm from France and love Switzerland 🇨🇭). One of the very useful feature of Documentero is that you can create templates with "rules" or let's say, conditional variable : if this variable is empty don't display this section, if this variable contains something the display this section. Is it something your product support?

And last one : GDPR?


ChristopheHKEdited Oct 19, 2024
Founder Team


Oct 20, 2024

A: 1. Team access is one of our top priorities, and we aim to release this feature by early November. This will allow sharing resources within teams.

2. Yes, eSignature is on our roadmap, but as this is a significant feature, we want to ensure the signature workflow is smooth and compliant with regulations before launching. It’s in active development, but it will take some time to perfect.

3. Absolutely, both team access and eSignature will be available for Tier 2 users once launched.

4. Currently, our system does not support conditional logic for templates (e.g., hiding sections based on variable content), but we’re actively working to implement this feature as this will bring great flexibility to the templates.

Regarding GDPR compliance, yes, our product adheres to GDPR regulations and we try to keep the data we store at a strict minimum.
- Right now, we store your latest 10 API requests so you can see them in the dashboard for debugging purposes. We will add an option to disable this in the settings.
- We never store any generated PDFs unless you request a link to it through the API, in which case it is deleted after 15 minutes.
- Personal data we collect is reduced to the minimum, just a name and email address.

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Posted: Oct 20, 2024

Many thanks for your response!