Q: I can not download pdf profile.
I can download json and cvs files. When I try to download pdf card of a persona, SaaS freezes and I have to reload the webpage.

May 15, 2024A: Hi Mario,
As Bigman stated we noticed that some Browser Extensions can create a confilict with our Software. Please turn them off and try again it should solve the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Verified purchaser
That same thing was happening to me and it turned out to be a conflict with a plugin, fyi.
thank to both of you.
With the tips of the developer, I have solved partially the issue. When I disable the Hoverfy extension, I am able to easily download PDF files containing persona profiles. I can live with it. When I do not use PersonaDeck, I can reactivate Hoverfy again.
This app saves time and keeps you focused. When you try to do persona profiles, it is easy to lose the focus and involve personal preferences. That makes this SaaS very valuable for me. I can generate a persona profile quickly and without my beliefs.
I have another issue, but it is rare. Only in one profile, I can not edit and save changes. Only in one, that I can re-generate. So I am not worried about it. I just hope the SaaS matures and solves these actually slight bugs.
The developer has been replying to my emails and seems involved, trying to reproduce and solve any issue. That's also appreciated.
I have not written a review yet because I have not used it enough to do it, but surely I will keep it. It's a time saver. It is (currently) simple, but useful, and well conceptualized. Also, it is aesthetically well done.