Q: hmmm...

I bought tier 2 the first time the software hit appsumo in 2021 the only thing missing from tier 2 plan and their pro plan is getty images and elevenlabs, understandable improvements made as time passes np, i decided to use pictory now in 2024 and somethings don't line up.

If i opened a brand new login account package annual that will be 468.00$, if i moved from appsumo's promised lifetime premium plan tier 2 with all future updates (no premium plan on the site btw) that would cost 468.00$.

What was the advantage to being an early supporter, yet tier 2 and a new account is the same annual price. shouldn't my annual be less that someone starting a brand new account?

Plot twist', and if i bought the getty images and eleven labs addons alone to match my tier 2 usable video hours that would be 96.00$ for getty and the elevenlabs 480.00$ annual Is there something I don't understand?

FootstoneJul 8, 2024
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