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Member since: Mar 2019Deals bought: 659
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5 stars
Posted: May 23, 2023

OMG ... I've made so many videos, so fast.

Pictory is so amazing. I got it, but did not use it for months. Then I tried it. Compared to InVideo, Viddoyze, and Flexclip, the workflow is just much faster.

That is, I start from an article, copy it in and BOOM - I have a video. Then I go back and preview it, changing any of the stock video segments. Most of the time, what Pictory chooses is good.

Then I chose the background music, and the voice over.

Normally I use my own voice. But the AI voices are good IF I do two things.
A) chose one of the newer voices (non-robotic).
B) edit the script so it sounds like a real human is reading. That is, no grammar errors.
Then preview and Publish!

If you need to crank out videos fast. Pictory is it.
Also, they have a lot of great training videos.
