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    Track web performance and digital activity

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    Pingdom is a SaaS-based web application performance monitoring tool that allows businesses to ensure that their customers have the best website experience with synthetic monitoring.

    Pingdom combines synthetic and real user monitoring to offer users increased visibility and enhanced performance when troubleshooting their web applications. That means you get a real-time alert notification when your website or web app is down. If your visitor is having trouble accessing a page on your site, you get alerted as well—in real-time.

    But it doesn't stop there. Pingdom doesn't just monitor your website's status; it sends you alerts with error messages, content changes, and HTTP status. Case in point, the Synthetic Monitoring feature lets you simulate visitor interactions and experiences and get alerted when critical pages and site flows are not working correctly.

    This includes any issues concerning uptime monitoring (site availability worldwide), page speed monitoring (when and why your app or site is slow), and transaction monitoring (testing user registrations, user logins, URL hijacking, and shopping cart checkout).

    Pingdom Real User Monitoring provides visibility into how website visitors and application users interact with and experience your tools. It allows you to view your website or web application's performance in real-time. This feature uses Real User Monitoring (RUM) to identify and resolve client-side issues quickly and accurately.

    Pingdom Page Speed analyzes your website's and applications' loading speeds and provides insights on how to make them faster. The report shows what elements of your web page are impacting speed, what page speed etiquette you're not meeting, and whether the changes you've made have had the desired outcome.

    Pingdom also automatically sets targets to ensure that you meet benchmark KPIs and SLAs based on your business and industry. If you prefer, you can select your own targets, and Pingdom will consistently implement them and provide you with performance reports and insights.

    Key features

    • Immediate alerts about issues 
    • Real User Monitoring (RUM)
    • Synthetic monitoring
    • Uptime monitoring
    • Transaction monitoring
    • Page speed monitoring
    • Get insights and reports for quick resolutions


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    Pingdom homepage
    Pingdom homepage
    Compare historical data and uncover trends
    Compare historical data and uncover trends
    Set targets and hit KPIs and SLAs
    Set targets and hit KPIs and SLAs
    Get real-time notifications when your site is down
    Get real-time notifications when your site is down
    Monitor your page speed
    Monitor your page speed


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