PLRLIME- Digital Products With Resell Rights

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Q: A couple of questions: 1) Is the 50% discount for Urban PLR lifetime access still applicable?

2) Are the products and content in Urban PLR different from the ones in PLRLime or are they mostly the same?

Thank you

JavierPOct 5, 2023
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hi there,
Yes, the 50% discount on UrbanPLR membership is still available when you purchase the PLRLime lifetime deal.

2. The products featured on PLRLime are entirely different from those found on UrbanPLR, with no duplicated items except for ChatGPT prompts.

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Posted: Nov 30, 2023

How do I get the discount on UrbanPLR since I purchased this one.