Move Over Samcart, Thrivecart, and the Rest of them all...
A highly customizable cart with digital product distribution... Check
Subscription management... Check
Brand it however you like it, from colors of the cart, to the emails you send your buyers (needs SMTP)... Check
Powerful integrations (stripe, paypal, bitpay, instamojo, twilio, aws, wishlist, facebook pixel, webhook, fedex, ups, dhl, chatbot, livechat, zendesk, customerly, getgist, quriobot, liveagent)... and many more to come... Check
Topnotch customer support who cares about your needs... BIG CHECK.
Highly recommend PlugNPaid. Emy and his team are amazing. I'd stack 20 tacos if it can fit on a sumoling plate. They have come so far and I truly believe they will crush other cart platforms =)