Q: questions

it looks interesting buuuut, why the limits of keywords tracking are so low ?
1 or 2 tracked keyword are very restrictive

KrookzOct 22, 2024
Founder Team


Oct 22, 2024

A: Hi there!

Thank you for your feedback! I understand your concern about the limited number of tracked keywords. The reason we keep it to 1 or 2 is to maintain focus and relevance. Allowing more (10 for example) keywords could lead to 1 comment per day per keyword : it doesn't make sense.

However, you can enhance your keyword by using a boolean search in our keyword field. This allows you to extend your keyword post's covering while keeping the posts relevant. Here’s a helpful video that explains how it works: Boolean Search Tutorial > https://youtu.be/DhOKlrbRluo?si=ccgVRtxnyKwIk41D

If you have any more questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out!


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