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Member since: May 2018Deals bought: 322
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1 stars
Posted: Dec 10, 2021

Took more than 4 months and my issue was not fixed yet

I bought POWr for just one reason - their job board app so I can set up my jobs page on my website.

It turned out that it got some issues with the embedded iframe with WordPress website. When you click on the any of POWr job app buttons, it will scroll to the top of the webpage. In the end, many potential job applicants just cannot figure how to apply for the job.

I had reported the issue since I bought the deal in Aug 2021. The support told me that they will look into it. Every other week, I will check with them and they reassured me that it will be fixed. Now it is already Dec, they are still telling me that there is no immediate fix for the issue, and didn't give me any further explanation why it took so long.

I want to offer to add additional websites to my account to make up for the delay, but what is the point. I just need it for my one and only website.

Seriously, I am wondering if they even looked at my issue. Now I had passed the Appsumo refund period. I wished that I would have asked for a refund much earlier.
