Q: Dear Matt_Preceden, I am to grab this deal now because I can see the possibilities that will make kife ...
easier for project managers, consultants, marketers, etc ...
I hope that you will support the RTL languages like Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Pakistani, etc because these language read and write from right to left direction so it is a good feature that you can add to Preceden roadmap layout so we can align text and roadmap designs and flip them to the reverse direction so the road map will look perfect in the RTL layout
for example if you try this css code
* { direction:rtl;
then every element will flip to the RTL layout.
So please I need this feature urgent.
Kind regards,

May 14, 2024A: Thanks for suggesting this, it's a great idea. For now I added it to our public ideas list: https://roadmap.preceden.com/b/y0ge5xve/feature-ideas/add-support-for-right-to-left-rtl-languages - upvotes welcome. Will try to get to this soon-ish.
Really Awesome,
Thank you Matt for supporting this idea, and now I am already in and activated my ltd account, but I can't register to the roadmap with my current Preceden account email id, and I think it should be logging me automatically on the same session but that is no enabled from backend of Preceden.
Kind regards,

Verified purchaser
Hey - that public roadmap is provided by a different service called Frill which requires its own account setup. Agree though it would be ideal if you could be automatically logged in with your Preceden account.