Q: Hi, Great product/service.

We’re likely to use it more for visualisation for future marketing/sales material, would be great to have ability to choose generic days/hours (e.g. Day 1 to Day 25 and ability to choose hours slots such as 07:00 t0 16:15 etc.), this would help us as we could then embed and/or use this in presentations long term, is this something you can add soon?

n1t5PLUSSep 3, 2022
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hey - we've had several requests for this functionality so it's likely something we will implement at some point. There is a hacky way to do this currently, but it's not as elegant as it will eventually be when we add full support for it: https://support.preceden.com/article/53-dateless-timelines

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Posted: Sep 5, 2022

Hi Matt,

Thank you, that would be great to have as we'll mainly would use it to visualise how the process works for certain tasks SOP's etc. also maybe marketing/sales material, we can use Canva and others, however, it requires more work to achieve minor adjustments sometimes.

It would be wonderful to have the ability to choose generic dates (e.g. Week 1, Week 2 or Day 1, Day 2 etc.) sooner, in the meantime we may have to export as PDF and edit the dates/text to save as SVG (little annoying process but hopefully is not for too long 🙂).