Hello there, simple question from a non-technical person, Is this software good for integrating...

Hello there, simple question from a non-technical person, Is this software good for integrating google sites website with email automation software like MailChimp or Acumbamail? and do I have to have some technical knowledge to make such integration? and let's assume that I'll be sending around 20k emails per month, is tier 1 good enough for that?

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    Mihai_PROCESIOFounder team
    | Member Since:

    Hey, young,

    Yes, it is good for that and the 20k emails/month might not be enough for Tier 1, but should be for Tier 2.

    At this point, PROCESIO might be a bit too technical for a completely non-technical user, but even so, you might be able to do it yourself.

    Here are some articles that might help you get started:
    - Getting started 1-2-3: https://procesio.com/getting-started
    - https://docs.procesio.com/how-to/send-email
    - To connect to an API: https://docs.procesio.com/how-to/call-api

    Hope this helps!

    Andrei_PROCESIOFounder team
    Verified Purchaser
    | Member Since:

    Hi young,

    On top of that we are solving a lot of these integrations with our community. If you find any challanges in what you are looking to achieve, we are looking to get you all set via Discord.

    Feel free to join our Discor channel: https://discord.com/invite/CEBuKgJefv
    and we are looking forward to aid you there.
