Q: Hi, How debug is managed ? Let's take a scenario where everything work fine and then an error block the


How debug is managed ?
Let's take a scenario where everything work fine and then an error block...

cloudbeansPLUSApr 18, 2023
Founder Team


Apr 18, 2023

A: Hi,

PROCESIO, debugging can be done via PROCESS Instances. You can read more:...

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted Apr 18, 2023

Thanks for the detailed answer.
While discord is the place to continue, we need Appsumo to keep this page online after the deal as important discussions have been shared here (like some other expired deals have still their page active)

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted May 27, 2023


As there is no support except the one of the community, we would need a detailed tutorial for Custom Actions regarding the debugging of C# code.

Posted May 27, 2023

Hi, cloudbeans,
We have not done an article regarding the debugging of C# because we know there are plenty on the internet. Any question you might have on the debugging C# topic is not related to PROCESIO, but to C# sau that you can find answers to these questions on https://stackoverflow.com and Google.