Would this be able to take a form submission from a web form that is being dumped into a google...

Would this be able to take a form submission from a web form that is being dumped into a google sheet, convert the entries into a pdf and email that pdf as a copy to an email specified via a form field? Example a signed packet that the visitor wants a copy of?

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    Mihai_PROCESIOFounder team
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    Hey, David,
    Definitely yes!

    Check out how to capture form submissions from Google Forms (for example): https://docs.procesio.com/integrations/google-forms-and-procesio
    You might find useful also the Webhook info: https://docs.procesio.com/webhooks & https://docs.procesio.com/configure-and-assign-webhook-example

    This is how to create a document template: https://docs.procesio.com/document-template-creation (you can use it to generate the pdf but also the email body if you want the email to be styled).

    This is how you use the document template in the process: https://docs.procesio.com/how-to/generate-document

    And use the send email action to send emails: https://docs.procesio.com/how-to/send-email

    Happy automating with PROCESIO!