Back to negotiating class for someone
Don't take this is a great piece of software. The software isn't actually why I'm leaving the review.
I hope that the folks at AppSumo at least scored unlimited use of for their own office. Otherwise, I have no idea why you would give a company free advertising and access to your hard earned user base like this.
Scanning the reviews it seems rather obvious to me that the majority of Sumo-lings aren't thrilled with offers like this. Neither am I.
The last thing I want is to embed something into my business and get my peeps accustomed to using it only to find a gun to my head at day 365 asking for $300/user/year (or 17% more than that if paying monthly) to continue.
If I want a trial I can go to their site (as I already had done prior to this offer) and get a 14 day free trial that provides ample opportunity to determine whether or not it's a good fit for my needs.
If the AppSumo powers to be are incapable of negotiating the standard LTD you have become known and loved for...then simply walk away!
Those companies need you much more than you need them (which they realize already) and will likely come back to offer the type of deal you are known for providing. If not it's their loss because one of their competitors will make the offer. If there isn't yet a competitor offering what they do? Wait 60 days; there will be.
Just my 2 cents.