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Member since: Feb 2021Deals bought: 62
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Nov 10, 2021

Loving it, and hoping they keep up the good work

Fits my needs perfectly. Although LoopedIn is quite slick already in terms of UI/UX and customization options, there’s still enough room for polishing up the solution to become a truly outstanding service that sme’s can rely on. In the meantime, the big features are pushed out in a rapid pace it seems. Really hoping the team behind LoopedIn can get enough traction and MRR to scale up there business and developer resources in order to make LoopedIn one of the leading solutions on the market for years to come. As a solo gig guy, this would safe me a lot of headaches in the future. Hopes are high!

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hey AppsumoJ,

Appreciate the review, as well as the feedback!

Many thanks,
