Good but needs some work
I am pretty savvy with tech and I have been doing video production for about 10 years.
I have been doing a rather large project with a client. 3 hour sessions. The voice control does not work unless you are close. It works for a few paragraphs, then doesn't. The remote is tricky to connect to the device.
The sync doesn't always work for your scripts.
Anyway, I like it but I sure hope that they fix it.
It would be better if the "remote" was a microphone for the tablet, so that it "hears" the presenter better which may make the voice control better.
It would be better if the remote had a larger area to push the button, so that it was easier to control without looking.
It would be wonderful if you wrote a script and logged into the app on the device and it just worked.
Anyway, It is a step up from my other teleprompter app but I thought that voice control would just be perfect by now or at least viable. I have 3 - three hour shoots next week and I am not sure how smooth they are going to be with this new person. She likes to talk with her hands and now that is not possible unless I use the remote myself, while operating 3 cameras.
If you bought this for reading directly from the teleprompter while close up, it will probably be decent, for professional stuff, I hope they make some fixes.