Prosp Questions

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Showing 1 - 20 of 31 questions

Q: Enrichment, for the rich or not? 😊

Hey Yann Dine, saw you have API - nice! - and also enrichment.

I'm thinking maybe we can become good friends if your enrichment is unlimited and included in this deal (I see it's a waterfall process?). If so, do we get emails + phone?

How are you handling the fact that Linkedin is cracking down on automation tools?

Let me know so I can tell my wife I'm spending money on yet another linkedin automation. 😅

nunompocoPLUSMar 18, 2025
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Mar 18, 2025

A: love this!

The enrichment is actually not currently in the tool, we do get their emails + phones if listed on LinkedIn but we are going to add in proper waterfall enrichment in the next month or so. We'll make that unlimited for you so you can ask your wife for the card details!


Q: Can you tell me if your search function is better than Linkedin's default?

I don't pay for sales nav. I assume that you are using Linkedin's basic search function. I'm interested in buying this tool if it helps me generate a list of prospect on LinkedIn with email addresses. BUT who also fit other search criteria.

Can you list the search fields for prospecting?

z94PLUSMar 18, 2025
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Mar 18, 2025

A: Our lead finder is built based on LinkedIn search but completely native to the platform. It has the same filters as regular LinkedIn search.

What criteria are you looking for?


Q: How safe is it?

What's the tech behind it, cloud based, chrome extension or?

How safe is it, do accounts get flagged?

Faris.BioPLUSMar 18, 2025
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Mar 18, 2025

A: Hey there! We have a chrome extension as well but the tool is fully cloud based.

It is the safest tool, we use the highest quality proxies, enforce sending limits and use randomization to mimic human behaviour.

We don't have any issues with any of our users with this infrastructure :)


Q: Personal account to work email?

I currently have a tier 1 license but haven't redeemed it yet. My personal email ends in, but I'll soon be starting a new role, and my email will change to Do I need a tier 2 license for switching between my professional and personal email, or is it fine since I have both a primary and secondary email? If my primary email stays the same? Ending

111445291338457006116Mar 18, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 18, 2025

A: It is okay to use whichever email you want, we can always switch the emails over for you if you need :)


Q: Customizable Import & Connection Req Limits?

I've been using Kanbox for a while, but since their automation is on a monthly subscription, I'm interested in exploring your product. Kanbox recommends sticking to certain limits and enforces these limits on automations (eg: 100 daily LinkedIn imports, 2,500 Sales Navigator imports, 20 Daily connection requests, etc.) but also allows users to tailor them as needed. Does your app offer similar options for setting and adjusting limits to avoid account restrictions? Thanks!

asif36Mar 18, 2025
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Mar 18, 2025

A: That is right, we have the same sending limit infrastructure to keep your account safe and yes you can change them as much as you like!
