Q: AI Voice Replica

Hi there,

AI Voice replication sounds great.
- is the voice entirely AI generated or like a Hybride AI version only replacing certain variables (Name, Company Name, Job Title,...)
- is there a way to also prompt the voice text first, so it actually addresses posts of the prospect within the voice note?


vishal7731Mar 23, 2025
Founder Team


Mar 23, 2025

A: It is entirely AI generated so you can customise the entire message, not just name / company name etc.
e.g. you could compliment someone's post!
- also when you just sub out the name it ends up sounding really weird as the AI does not match the tone

Yes there is, you can reference their recent post using an AI prompt

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Mar 23, 2025

That's incredible Alfie. Follow-up Questions:

- Operationally, this means : Upload Voice to generate Voice Replica, Generate Prompt, send customized AI Voice messages to prospects?
- Is there a limit on voices (i.e. number of accounts)?
- If I purchase the highest Tier here, does that support all coming updates for your highest Tier product Option in the future?