Q: How?
How does this analyse competitors ads in other languages and provide recommendations base on local behaviour in each country for responsive ads?
Oct 23, 2024A: That's a great question Noah. Without disclosing too much IP.
- First you can try for yourself that we can analyze non English ads. We can intepret audio and make sense of not just what's being said but also multilingual visuals :)
- We have an additional option to analyze the ad against your brand and campaign guidelines. You can specify additional parameters. We don't know your brand or second guess your country. You can enter it and leave the magic to us :)
With that we have finished our campaign here. Won't be that responsive here. Please reach us on support@quickads.ai
Thank you Sumolings - with the best performing this quarter (despite our shitty UX which is also history for record) you proved that humble passionate founders can win some love!!