Q: I almost missed this deal

After watching your video comparison between Quickads.ai and AdCreative.ai I'm likely going to purchase your deal. I didn't realise they were a competitor.

You should consider writing a Quickads vs Adcreative section on your website. I feel like doing so will clearly state what your platform does. And with the return of Adyouneed recreating a desire in Sumolings for Adcreative.ai, I reckon you can capitalize on this.

NstarPLUSEdited Sep 19, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: :) Thanks and great idea.

We have much more than they have and most importantly users can see we have been building with a lot of community trust, organically, and much more broadly. "Canva with steroids and data to back what to build" is our northstar. This is a long game, a difficult race and we are building with marathon mindset - not sprint to desperately raise money or spend 3M USD per month on ads (and have 80% churn).

Thanks everyone for your support. Don't forget to join the FB group and keep giving us inputs. In 2 weeks (god willing) we will be releasing v3, with dramatically simpler UI (I know our UI sucks but hey we are using data of the consumer clicks to now redesign! that's how scientific and precise we are in what we build).

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