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Posted: Sep 12, 2024

Not the game changer I was hoping for

I run an e-commerce brand and did some testing, and maybe I need to do more. But, I have tried both image ads with my website to get some assets.

Image ads worked pretty well - it did draw from my e-commerce brand to get some images from the website. I was pretty happy with the results.

However, the video ads (two), were nothing less than a train wreck. I couldn’t get anything to work properly. It didn’t pull anything from my website, and the first try wasn’t even worth editing. I had to completely trash it immediately. It would have taken me forever to edit everything. The second try was only very slightly better, and still didn’t draw anything from the website.

I hope I’m missing something and it’s an easy fix, but I definitely fear it’s just not ready for the big show yet. When can we expect EXCELLENT video ads from QuickAds?


Founder Team


Sep 14, 2024


Thanks for trying quickads. Glad you liked the image ads and you were happy. We are working on further simplifying the UX a lot more.

On video, first it's in beta and second we never said we are fetching images from your site and automatically putting them in. (We do have something cooking for October but just to clarify for now). We can fetch everything from your website and in image, it's easier to have user select 1-2 images. But, for videos we have to match scene description to footages (and often users want to upload their video footages). So, we haven't started auto filling it in. Step 1 in video creation was a trending AI script generation. Step 2 was to build a complete video around this script where each scene is unique and we pull in AI image or getty footages for you, stitch everything, adds music and let you have full control on editing it. This is where we are already and you can within 10 seconds upload any footage you like on any scene. Step 3: (Confidential) and happy to give you a private demo on what's coming like I did to some other users.

I am sorry but please kindly check with us on if you have any concern or feedback. Within 1-2 days we normally reply, if not solve, for everything. We are trying to bring a lot of value to our customers and please kindly consider revisiting the review on a feature that's in beta and give support a chance to work with you on your specific video issue, if any.

Thanks for your understanding and support.
