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Verified purchaser

Member since: Oct 2020Deals bought: 148
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 10, 2021


Quickpage has a really solid landing page that gets the job done effectively. Quickpage's automated and personalized conversion and outreach strategies that hook your prospects with a variety of customized messages and offers, that they're sure to love. Anyone can use the landing page to showcase their product in a professional way. You can embed all sorts of content or gallery, forms, tracking script or anything else you want. The chat notification is a bonus. There's a variety of outreach tools that take video, and they each have their own use case. If you're looking for something that does high touch sales work, I think Quickpage is the best pick. My favorite feature is the integration of video media, email and text messaging. I find quickly creating one of these can be a huge help in some sales situations.
