Fastest ROI in the past couple of years!
Apart from the fact that quuu is doing it all right on how they convince and sell, their free tier already showed of being so much of value that I had to buy two codes to get the max out of it - shameless selfish, I know!
I am using Socialbee with Pixelme (switchy unfortunately still didn't make it into Socialbee) and while the setup was smooth the whole customer experience to this point didn't overpromise.
In Socialbee I created an extra content category set that to use pixelme (for now) to use in line with the tags and pixels I want, set that to manual approval (yes, I am a control freak).
This morning, the first recommendations were ready, spiced by some RSS content I wouldn't have found without quuu, and, being a marketing nor content creating superstar, 30 minutes of "work" (including learning, playing around and tweaking) enabled me planning my next weeks of content to be shared - and I only created one content channel on one subject with one account.
**Areas to improve (cherry-picking level)**
1. integrate LinkedIn pixels
2. improve UX for adding RSS (allow multiple selections rather 1 by 1 and forcing me to start from scratch for each I want to add)
3. Allow different views (list, grid, ...) for"Today's recommendations"
4. Allow me to chose how to display hand-curated content (left navigation) as I find it confusing that each tag/channel is a separate entry rather following the choice/combination I entered
5. allow using the target URL in Socialbee rather your shortened link (which gets masked by my shortened link, making it two redirections already which CAN cause issues) and allow me naming those content categories to meet my content categories & feeds naming (optional but likely a need for anyone who plans to really use quuu to the max)
6. Work with Socialbee to create short links for shared/accepted posts only rather directly creating short links even for content that isn't approved yet (this forces me to not only to delete a content suggestion fro Socialbee but also from pixelme as the link is created as the content is shared rather than accepted/published)
May 9, 2024Thanks for taking the time to give us a review and some excellent suggestions for product improvements! We'll chat about implementing some of those with our development team in the new year. Keep enjoying Quuu, and thanks again.