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Member since: Mar 2011Deals bought: 339
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: May 22, 2023

Great Social Tool

I have only owned Raffly for half a day. But have chatted with Duy multiple times (his review is here as well) and it seemed like a layup. I then got it, redeemed it, and ran a few giveaway tests with my sister and a few friends. This saves soooooo much time, looks good, and is simple to use.

If you are actively trying to grow your socials then Rafflys just makes sense.

Alternatively you can NOT buy Rafflys, still decide to do giveaways, wait weeks to get to compiling the names because the work sucks, finally announce the winner, and then not doing another one for months and months because it takes to long to do. I have run giveaways before so the above is spoken from experience.

Don't be that guy/gal, just get Rafflys and make giveaways easy, do them regularly, and see your socials grow.
