Q: About the AI voice
The generated AI voice sounds very robotic and unnatural… Will you improve this in the future? Considering this is an important marketing tool, especially for brand consistency, will you add AI voice cloning function hereafter?

Jan 12, 2025A: Hi Will,
Thank you for your feedback regarding the AI voice generation feature. We understand how important it is for the voices to sound natural, especially for maintaining brand consistency in marketing efforts.
Yes, we absolutely plan to improve the AI voices to make them more natural and lifelike. Additionally, we’re working on adding more AI voice options to provide greater variety and flexibility for your content.
Your suggestion about AI voice cloning is also noted, and while it’s not currently available, it’s something we’re actively considering for future updates. We want to ensure RDMC AI continues to evolve as a valuable tool for your marketing needs.
We truly value your input as it helps us improve our platform for all users.
Thank you for helping us improve!
RDMC AI Support team