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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Nov 2022Deals bought: 4Posted: Nov 25, 2022

AI = The new electricity for your business

I'll admit, I was hesitant to write this review, because I'd rather not have everyone knowing how good this technology from is - sort of like being greedy and not wanting to share.

But the tech is so good, along with their top-self customer support, that I felt an obligation to overall AppSumo community and suppressed my selfish desires to keep this to myself.

Here's how to put this tech from into perspective:

About 100 years ago, if you were one of the first business in your area to have electricity, you were able to get ahead of the market.

AI is the new electricity.

Either you are utilizing AI in your business and getting ahead, or you aren’t, and you are already behind.

If you want to be top-of-mind with your current and potential clients, then take advantage of this groundbreaking tech from that incorporates fully customizable AI-powered video into email.

When you consider that this is the launch of this tech, and it is already this good, you know it is only going to get better.

Do NOT miss out on this the LTD opportunity to incorporate AI into your business.

There, I've regrettably shared my 5-tacos experience with and we're all better for it.
