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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Nov 2020Deals bought: 288Posted: Dec 10, 2022

Impressive now, the plans/potential to be even more incredible!

Originally when I bought it (highest tier + Founders Club), I was a bit disappointed and skeptical as I didn't quite see much variety in terms of the full bodies and faces.

The founder, John Socratous, reached out to me and after talking with, and doing a video call with him, I was able to see more of what this can do, the potential it has, and where it is going.

One of the more interesting things that sets this a part is the dynamic backgrounds - a different background of client's site/house/etc. can be shown for each person being emailed! That is pretty impressive!

A few other features down the pipeline also look pretty neat and promising!
While the software as it stands now has a lot to offer, where it will be going (hopefully) by the time I am ready to use it for my SaaS currently in development is very exciting and promising!

To me, it was a good deal and a good investment. I look forward to see new full bodies added, and I am happy to know that the owner and team are so enthusiastic about this app as well!
