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Member since: Dec 2017Deals bought: 219
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Posted: Oct 16, 2018

Smooth Money Maker!

Hey - My background is in sales too and I love the fact this is all simple simple simple.. Just keep the prospect or client on track on main points without opening a can of worms on them..

One thing please please please include iFrames or video placement.. I do a lot of closing with video sales letters.. custom ones I use Loom and starting to use vooPlayer..

Pleaseeeeeeeeeee.. I closed 3 deals this past two weeks.. I'm running a small start-up digital ad agency for offline businesses and real focussed on prospecting now..

Using video to close is deadly!!!

Top SEO agencies and sales guys use a lot of video or screen share video to close...

Great road map tooooo and I can't stress enough the simplicity is killer!!!!
