Q: Hi am I missing something here.

The registration process seems super complicated and means people have to sign up for a Remo account to join an event , a lot of friction and important emails didn't come through. How can I avoid this friction as it's pretty unusable sadly , is there an easer way to just let people in without an account? Really hope so as the rest looks great. We host events for event organisers so they will be super sensitive to this level of friction on sign up. Any help super appreciated thanks

Dan_ShoutOutPLUSMay 30, 2024
Founder Team


Jun 28, 2024

A: Hi Dan,

Once the event is live, guests can join using the "Login with Name" feature. This does not require any sign up and is as simple as entering your name and accessing the event. The Remo Signup process is only to give you as hosts the information regarding guest activity and for them to setup a detailed profile. In case of private events, it is a method of authentication. We do not market to any guests who attend events on Remo.

Please reach out to support@remo.co for any questions or support.

More details on the help article here: https://help.remo.co/en/support/solutions/articles/63000275891-what-is-guest-login-and-how-to-use-it-


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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Jun 6, 2024

Seeing exactly similar problems

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Jun 16, 2024

I do agree. There should be an option that attendees join the event with a link and without registration like other platforms offer.