Reoon Code Snippet Manager Reviews


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Member since: Mar 2022Deals bought: 85
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jun 5, 2023

Looks clear

Hello Farhan and Team,
I liked everything, have this module to the others ordered the same. Looks also not complicated, has convinced me and keep it. Many thanks to the entire team.

Best regards

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you very much for sharing your experiences. We really appreciate your feedback. Your review really inspires us to continue our journey. Have a wonderful day.

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Member since: Oct 2022Deals bought: 343
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Feb 28, 2023

Simple and easy to use

I needed something to save various snippets to so that it's organized, and I don't have to search for where I put it.

I agree with the previous review that the UI is ugly - I will also say that it is very dated.

I also wish there was a cloud back up option and encryption.

Thank you for removing the limits on installation.

Very easy to use, and I have already stored several snippets. Now to go look for the rest.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you very much for sharing your experiences. We really appreciate that. The cloud backup can be done by setting the data folder to one of your colud app folders such as google drive, onedrive etc. We wish you a wonderful day.

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Verified purchaser

Member since: Apr 2017Deals bought: 54
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Aug 21, 2021

Nice, Simple, & Easy to Use, But A Little Buggy

I like it and I am giving it 5 tacos, but I am being really, really generous.

I do like that it is simple and easy to use. The UI is really basic and plain, but needs to have some visual feedback about what is going on in the software.

Software is somewhat buggy. Sometimes comments don't get saved.

The software uses plain text files stored locally or on a cloud drive. The directory structure is how the categories and sub-categories get defined (really simple - think flat-file database). The real downside is that it stores the info as plain text files that are readable by any text editor. So, any login or DB connections stored are in plaintext.

Tried this with icedrive (another appsumo deal) for storage - did not work well at all. If icedrive could not be reached, the software would fatal error with no indication of the problem. If text changes were made, then icedrive would throw errors about external modifications to the file. Tried with dropbox and using just local storage it and seems to behave better.

Has 4 levels for categorizing data: Profile > Category > Sub-Category > Snippet.

Little buggy here, too. If you just add a category or sub-category, you can enter text into the code snippet box, but it won't save it or warn you about not saving it. You have to drill all the way down to snippet level to actually save the data that you entered.

Why five tacos? It is simple and it has potential. I think this would be great to use for several things. I am going to use it for tracking some of the LTDs I have accumulated along with server info (IPs, login URLS, trouble ticket tracking, and online chat copies), along with code snippets. Get some basic encryption and I could store login/connection info in snippets.

I hope they will continue to develop the software.

I would say it currently needs:
- Some form of encryption for saved text
- Better UI - with feedback (don't let me enter in text that the program won't save)
- Let me close the process window if I want it closed.
- Cleaning up some bugs (making it work with icedrive would be great - icedrive has some built-in file encryption. Always save the comments or let me know that you didn't)
- It is a little bit ugly..
- Tab/setting for choosing which browser to view HTML snippets with
- Tab/window for SSH connections (Putty)
- Tab for simple browser engine in software
- Better documentation & info
- Allow me to run it on as many computers (linux, mac, and windows) as I want. I use a mac laptop, a windows laptop, and a desktop - as the deal is currently structured on one of them I won't have access. Most software of this type I can run on as many computers as I want, but only actually use it on one computer at any given time.
- Be definite about my being able to move to new computers in the future - not "we will help you to do it depending on the situation" - make it easy for me - I paid you.
- Make it easy for me to sync to a cloud drive and create an encrypted backup (just in case)

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you very much for this nice and detailed feedback. We really appreciate your time for this detailed feedback. We can understand there are still some bugs there to this date (as you mentioned) and we are continuously working on fixing those bugs. As you have already identified some bugs you found on your tests, we have marked them already and will try our best to fix them in the next software update. And we will test this with IceDrive also.

For now, the software can store the snippets only as plain text. But in the future, we have a plan to add an option to enable encryption for selected (or all) profiles. However, storing in plain text does have some benefits. If for any reason you want to view the code with other editors, you can do that easily (also you can view them from google drive/dropbox/other drive's online file viewer). Which would not be possible with an encrypted file. However, we do have a plan to bring selective encryption of profiles.

About the other features you mentioned, the software is still under development and we are adding new features regularly. Hopefully, we will be able to add most of the features you have requested in the future along with some other. And thank you very much for mentioning those important and useful features.

About the licensing and being able to change the computer in the future, we just brought the lifetime license of this software on AppSumo a few days ago. That's why we are still working on making a solid structure of licensing and making the full process automatic. Hopefully, within a few days, we will update the licensing structure of this software. Probably after that, it will be like up to 5 (or more) computers in every 7 days (or so). In that way, if you stop working on a computer, the limit will automatically reset after that time. However, we will provide you update as soon as we update the structure.

Finally, do not hesitate to contact support if you find any other issues. Thank you very much.
