Q: Are additional users billed flexibly based on actual numbers?

I'm referring to the question from Sumoling_Number_1 on September 14, 2024, and the answer from you on September 17, 2024:

In this context, I'm unclear why the discount table starts at 20 users when it seems I have to pay $10 per user for the first 100. Does the count apply to the free quota of 25 users in Tier 3 and 50 users in Tier 4, and does the discount only start with the 26th or 51st user? Or do all additional users up to 100 still cost $10 per month before discounts are applied starting from 100 users? Additionally, how is billing handled when users are gradually gained or lost? Is it billed based on the actual number of users, or do we need to purchase and manage fixed quotas?

RAM91581PLUSSep 19, 2024
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Posted: Sep 19, 2024

They show a complete breakdowns online but it seemed that it was based on real time users and it takes a bit to get the ball rolling but after you get a thousand (which was what I was eyeing) then it becomes really affordable for a NPO like ours so I was just betting on doing whatever it takes to get to that 1000 and over because 2 or 3 dollars a user would actually be nice, right? IMO

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